
Optical Comparator Packages

Posted by Michael Wood on

One of the unique things that we do at Gaging & Software Technologies is put together Mitutoyo Optical Comparator Packages and make them available on We want our customers to feel confident that when they purchase one of our Optical Comparator Packages, they will be getting everything they will need to be measuring parts when the package is delivered. On top of that, ALL of our Mitutoyo Optical Comparator Packages include FREE FREIGHT to anywhere in the Continental USA. The packages that we offer start with one of the following main units... Mitutoyo's Horizontal Optical Comparator PH-A14 Mitutoyo's Horizontal...

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Posted by Michael Wood on

Welcome to the Blog! We will be using this blog to occasionally post news from the manufacturing industry as well as helpful hints and details on the different types of precision measuring equipment, data collection software, and gage interface hardware that we offer. To our long time customers, THANK YOU for your patience with us during our growing pains over the last few months. In an effort to utilize the most current technologies, back in March of 2015 we decided to upgrade our website shopping cart platform. The goal was to provide a simple website where our customers can...

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