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211XP Starrett Outside Micrometer 0-1

211XP Starrett Outside Micrometer 0-1", .001" Grad, Ball Anvil

$ 250.00$ 235.00

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Product Description

Starrett Outside Micrometer with Spherical Faced Anvil

The 211 can get into holes as small as 5/8 of an inch (16mm) and measure up to 1 inch (25mm). this unit offers advanced sleeve design with staggered lines and distinct figures for precise and easy readability. The convenient decimal equivalents on inch tools.

Balanced frame and thimble design ensure easy handling and readability, with quick and easy adjustment. The Starrett satin chrome finish - no glare - resists rust.

Gracefully designed tapered frame for narrow slots and tight places.

Features include...

  • 0-1" Measuring Range
  • 0.001" Graduations
  • With Ratchet Stop
  • Carbide Spherical Anvil
  • Flat Spindle
  • Satin Chrome finish